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Nicole M Valest

Certified Consultant

My Story

 My name is Nicole and I am very excited about being a Scentsy consultant. I first heard of Scentsy from family members back home in Nebraska and just received my first warmer along with several scents for Christmas. I also received Lenny the Lamb, Scent Buddy, with the “nursery” scent pak for my baby shower. What a great gift!!!! When my boyfriend and I got back to Florida we told family members about the product but realized that not many people knew about Scentsy. By becoming a consultant I hope to get the word out about such an amazing product. I am expecting my first child and hope that this will bring in a little extra income to put away in savings and to help out with all those extra expenses a child brings. Also keeping my child in mind Scentsy product is a safe way to be able to enjoy those wonderful scents without the worry. Overall I am excited to sell a product that I truly believe in. If you have any questions or would like to know more about the product please feel free to contact me at any time. If I can’t answer your questions rest assure I will find the answer :)